Monday, November 3, 2008

Perpetrator of Death in the DRC

This is why we are working for peace in the region.

CNDP-Rwanda has a big network worldwide including the U.S. Their agenda against the Congolese is very clear. Attached is the picture of Mr. Bigabo and the picture of what his brother are doing to the Congolese people.
Bigabo Patrick, a Rwandan and CNDP member, a resident of New Orleans had the courage to email to one of our Congolese brother the following when he heard that we were going to hold a vigil at the Rwandan Embassy on Oct 31 asking President Paul Kagame to withdraw Rwandan troops from the Congo.

He wrote:

"WE are not necessarily exchanging hot air. the biggest problem is u ethnicise the issue against the Tutsi. let the 6million die that's their own problem. when we died in 94 all of u guys were just laughing and shying away. u saw bodies of our relatives floating on River akagera into Lake victoria...the same UNAMIR was opportunistically in support of Hutu power, that's why we killed them too.
we need to accumulate resources from where they are in the region..we are already taking over large chunks of grazing land in uganda but this isnt an issue to you becos there is no hutu diying?*
how do you expect me to go the tutsi govt embassy to protest for the deaths of Hutu genociders dying in DRC? why dont you instead converge at the DRC embassy in US?
u guys remember there is noway you will return to power aslong as we are in power and accumulating wealth and defence strategies..we dont care killing u in masses, injecting you with HIV and also sending you to frontlines in DRC conflict to meet your deaths. this has to go on for 200yrs until u are wipedout in the region..."

Please pass on this message please, the world needs to know, the Congolese need to be aware and wake up. The crimes of his leader Nkunda have erupted once again. As long as there is fighting within our region, our work to bring peace will be threatened.

Bahati Jacques
Washington, D.C.

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