Monday, October 18, 2010

Congolese Women Organize against rape

Thousands of women have marched against sexual violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where the miseries of war have been compounded by mass rapes.

About 1,700 women who had attended a week-long forum on peace and development in Bukavu, the capital of South Kivu province, joined in the march on Sunday, which was led by Olive Lembe Kabila, the wife of the president, Joseph Kabila.

The atmosphere of the march was colourful and peaceful, and many demonstrators carried banners with slogans such as "No to sexual terrorism".

"Coming here is important because violence towards women is used systematically as a weapon of war," Miriam Nobre, an organiser of the march with the World March of Women, said.

The UN estimates that 15,000 women were raped in eastern DR Congo last year. Numerous Congolese and overseas rebel groups are active in the region, while government forces are also accused of mistreating civilians.

'Regaining dignity'

"We have fought this for years, and now it seems that the international community is genuinely interested in our problems," Nene Rukunghu, a doctor at a hospital in Bukavu where rape victims are treated, said.

"We must fight against impunity, so that the perpetrators of violence are punished, to allow women can regain their dignity. Despite what they endure, Congolese women are strong and able to stand up again," she said.

According to the UN Population Fund, there were 17,507 sexual violence attacks throughout Congo in 2009 - including more than 9,000 in North and South Kivu, which have been at the centre of the conflict in the east.

The scale of rapes and sexual violence has not diminished much this year, according to the fund, known as UNFPA, which collects data in Congo.

It said there were 7,685 attacks in Congo between January and June, including more than 4,500 in the two Kivu provinces.

Abubakar Dungus, a UNFPA spokesman, said 5,427 of the sexual attacks this year - about 70 per cent - were perpetrated "by men in uniform''. It was unclear if he was referring to soldiers or rebels.

Source: Al Jazeera Africa (

Monday, October 11, 2010


French authorities have arrested the alleged leader of a Rwandan group accused of mass rapes and killings in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Callixte Mbarushimana was arrested in Paris after a sealed warrant was issued for his arrest, the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor said on Monday.

Mbarushimana is suspected to be the leader of a group called the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda - known widely by its French acronym FDLR - which is accused of having carried out hundreds of rapes in the DRC province of Kivu.

The FDLR is made up of mainly Rwandan Hutu fighters or Interahamwe, who are blamed for the 1994 genocide and have been sheltering in neighbouring DRC.

The ICC, based in The Hague, says Mbarushimana is wanted for 11 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including killings, rape, persecution based on gender and extensive destruction of property committed by the FDLR during most of 2009.

source: Al Jazeera (

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Arrest in DR Congo over mass rape
UN arrests a commander of a tribal militia for alleged raids on villages where 500 people were raped.

A DR Congo rebel commander has been arrested on suspicion of leading raids on villages in the country's east where 500 people were raped in late July and early August, the UN has said.

UN headquarters in New York circulated an announcement by the UN peacekeeping force in Congo of the arrest of commander of a tribal Mai-Mai militia, known as Lieutenant Colonel Mayele, for alleged mass rapes.

The UN said Mayele was arrested on Tuesday in a military operation carried out by the UN Mission for the Stabilisation of the DR Congo (Monusco) and the Congolese military.

A mean for intimidation

Rape has been increasingly used by various groups of fighters in eastern Congo to intimidate, punish and control the population, especially in the mining areas.

According to the UN announcement, the mass rapes and human rights violations are said to have been committed by about 200 Congolese Mai-Mai rebels, fighters from the Rwanda-led Democratic Front for the Liberation of Rwanda or FDLR, and elements loyal to former Congolese army Colonel Emmanuel Nsengiyumva who was also a rebel in the former Tutsi-led People's National Congress or CNDP.

The UN force said a preliminary report from UN human rights officials identified 303 civilian victims, 235 women, 13 men, 52 girls and 3 boys.

Margot Wallstrom, who is responsible for UN efforts to combat sexual violence in conflict, told to Al Jazeera that Mayele's arrest "should send out a signal that sexual violence will not go unpunished."

"This is the first strong signal that says we are determined to end impunity, this is an important step forward. and the first of I hope an arrest for the ones responsible for the rape.

"This sends a strong signal in the military chain of command and to the rebel group that we keep you under our watch, and we will do everything we can to apprehend the perpetrator," she said.

Monusco said Mayele had been handed over to military judicial authorities who have opened a judicial inquiry.

Monusco said it will continue to pursue those responsible for the mass rapes so they can be brought to justice.

Al Jazeera and agencies

What is the cause of mass rape?