Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Debout Congolais,
Unis par le sort,
Unis dans l'effort pour l'indépendance,
Dressons nos fronts longtemps courbés
Et pour de bon prenons le plus bel élan, dans la paix,
O peuple ardent, par le labeur, nous bâtirons un pays plus beau qu'avant, dans la paix.

Citoyens, entonnez l'hymne sacré de votre solidarité,
Fièrement, saluez l'emblème d'or de votre souveraineté, Congo.

Don béni, (Congo) des aïeux (Congo),
O pays (Congo) bien aimé (Congo),
Nous peuplerons ton sol et nous assurerons ta grandeur.
(Trente juin) O doux soleil (trente juin) du trente juin,
(Jour sacré) Sois le témoin (jour sacré) de l'immortel serment de liberté
Que nous léguons à notre postérité pour toujours.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Street Children of Kinshasa

Screening of 2009 Pan African Film Festival Selection, "The Street Children of Kinshasa," to be shown in Dallas, Texas Friday July 3rd

New York, NY, June 9, 2009 -- As part of the Congo Independence Celebration weekend and the Leja Bulela, Inc. 2009 Annual Conference, a screening of the documentary The Street Children of Kinshasa will be made available to a large audience. The event is scheduled for Friday, July 3rd at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn DFW Airport South Hotel, located at 2001 Valley View lane in Irving, Texas. The event is free for all who are registered for the conference and open to the public (a suggested donation of $10 is welcomed).

The Street Children of Kinshasa is a groundbreaking documentary, by Gilbert Mulamba, that places the street children phenomenon of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) into a proper context. Mulamba, an artist and scientist, is a Congolese native who resides in Raleigh, NC.

On a recent trip back to the Congo, Mulamba was moved to capture and document the extreme injustices the street children of Kinshasa suffer. The Street Children of Kinshasa is Mulamba’s effort to not only show how these children are suffering, but also inform the public about how they can help.

The Street Children of Kinshasa was selected for the 2009 Pan African Film Festival, a momentous achievement for the first-time filmmaker. The BFM International Film
Festival sponsored by the British Academy of Film and Television
Arts and the BBC has requested the possibility of featuring The
street children of Kinshasa as part of the 2009 program, which will
be taking place from November 6th through the 10th in London, England

For additional information on The Street Children of Kinshasa documentary visit http://www.drcongochildren.org/
ABOUT DRCONGO CHILDREN – DRCongo Children is an organization that strives to make the plight of DR Congo children known to the world and provide information on how to help these children get out of the streets. Our hope is to foster a collaborative approach and effort of people and organizations working together to a make difference in the lives of abandoned children of the DRC!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

2009 Leja Bulela Annual Conference

It is almost time for the Leja Bulela Annual Meeting. Copy and paste the link below for registration information: